Friday, November 11, 2016

Health Insurance Update

I posted last week about my plan to avoid the "too poor to buy insurance" fine by joining a health care sharing ministry to get a waiver of the fine. I put the paperwork off because paperwork is boring and I'm busy.

Procrastination sometimes pays off. Now that Donald Trump has been presumably* elected President, I'm going to sit tight for a bit and see how it plays out. He's made some noises about repealing portions of the ACA, including the individual mandate, and it looks like Congress is on board with it. Of course, he's changed his position on things before, and I don't find him particularly trustworthy, so things may stay business as usual.

Once the dust settles and I know whether or not there's still a povery fine in my future, I'll come back with an update.

*I say presumably because technically until the Electoral College meets on December 19, nobody has been elected President. At this point, it's generally a rubber stamp, but everything about this election has been weird, so who knows anymore.

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